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Extreme Makeover Plastic Surgery Can Be a Life Changer

Extreme makeover plastic surgery is gaining in popularity for two reasons. One is that women and men in our society are leaning courageous like never before. We rappel; we zip line; whether we are young or old or somewhere in between, we dive into cenotes, parachute out of planes, hang glide over land and parasail over sea. The world is our playground and we have learned that playing is a great way to balance the hard work that we do when we are not at play. So when it comes to countermanding the effects of aging, having a family, or our genetic inheritance, we are not afraid to jump in and do what needs to be done.

The other reason extreme makeover plastic surgery is so popular is because technology has finally caught up with our “turning-back-the-clock” dreams and inclinations. Top-notch plastic surgeons now have the tools and the techniques to beautify virtually every part of our bodies. Computer image generators—such as the incredible Vectra 3D—ensure that we know what we’re getting before we get it. Microsurgical instruments ensure precision incisions and minimal scarring. And the Healthy Living programs provided by the best plastic surgery teams ensure that we get the guidance we need to prepare for surgery and to maintain healthy lifestyles post-surgery.

One of the best-known extreme makeover procedures is called the Mommy Makeover. Many women work very hard to lose excess weight after pregnancy only to find themselves with sagging skin and extra fat cells anyway. The Mommy Makeover targets the areas that are most impacted by childbirth and can include breast lift or breast augmentation, Liposuction, and Tummy Tuck. The Mommy Makeover is considered “extreme” because it addresses so many issues at one time and the results can be dramatic. But in fact top surgeons work together to combine the necessary procedures into one strategic and highly individualized operation requiring one equally individualized recovery program.

Other plastic surgery makeovers can address features we were born with that totally belie who we really are. Protruding ears and an oversized and lumpy nose can cause a smart, gregarious man or woman to fade into the background as the years go by. Now we know that rhinoplasty (or Nose Job) and Ear Reshaping can offer exciting permanent changes that can really bring a bright personality to the forefront where it belongs. Or what about people who are aging badly? Sixty is the new forty; seventy is the new forty-five. Retirees don’t climb into rockers anymore. They produce movies, write novels or travel to faraway lands they didn’t have the time to explore before. It’s not enough to put their best foot forward as they strike out for new horizons. They want to put their best face forward too. For them an extreme plastic surgery makeover can mean a great facelift that includes work to the forehead, eyelids, neck, cheeks and chin.

Whatever “extreme makeover plastic surgery” means to you, you should know that if you want it, you can have it—provided of course that you are healthy enough for surgical procedures. Plastic surgery may be a greater challenge than Mountain Biking or Body Boarding, but the rewards are off the charts.