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3 Top Non-Surgical Procedures

Two of my cousins are personal trainers, one of my closest friends is a yoga instructor, another works for a national diet program, and there’s the acquaintance who manages her aunt’s organic skin care line.

I even know a woman who dominates in crossfit competitions when she’s not running her own gym.

Needless to say, I’m surrounded by individuals who care about the physical appearance of their bodies.

All of those individuals have managed to combine their jobs and income with their passion for fitness or youthfulness. But not everyone is able to have that opportunity – or wants that opportunity!

I love my job and would never want to give that up, even though my job can sometimes require me sitting for an entire day in front of a computer or skipping 6am spin class to get at least a few hours of sleep that week (Then forgetting to put my eye cream on because a deadline gets the best of me).

But I am still no stranger to wanting a flat stomach that I can proudly bare on the beach or feel confident in a tight cocktail dress.

I’m not alone in that either. Liposuction became the most frequently performed surgical procedure in 2014 with a 16% increase and more than one billion was spent on the procedure nationwide, according to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).

That’s an astounding statistic, but what about those of us who don’t want surgery OR want to leave more mystery surrounding our new, improved appearance?

The recovery time for liposuction is not extreme, but it is about two weeks of skipped work and social events, which is just enough time for speculation (and for me to start stressing about everything I need to catch up on!).

So are there non-surgical options that will leave everyone guessing at exactly how you achieved your look?

Is there a way to get the results you crave without having to dedicate your entire life to working out. Even then, it can be difficult to lose weight or tone up for some, no matter how fit they truly are.

Can I tighten and tone without having to sell my soul to the gym?

Thankfully, the answer is yes, and some of them are amazing procedures that have only come on the scene in the last couple of years.


1. CoolSculpting® Procedure

This is a an innovative, non-surgical way to reduce fat. The technology used by the CoolSculpting® device is called Cryolipolysis®, which was cleared by the FDA in 2010.

The process has been extensively studied and developed by Harvard researchers to freeze and destroy unwanted fat cells while leaving the nearby tissue untouched. Treatment with the CoolSculpting® device doesn’t require an incision, needles, or anesthesia.

To go more in-depth, Cryolipolysis® employs controlled cooling to selectively damage fat cells (the name “CoolSculpting makes sense now right?).

Fat cells are uniquely sensitive to cold and crystallize at a warmer temperature than water in surrounding tissues. Consequently, cryolipolysis® can freeze fat cells without inducing damage to overlying skin and surrounding muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.

The exposure to cold induces apoptosis in the fat cells and an inflammatory response in the treated tissue. Over the course of two to four months, the damaged fat cells are cleared by the body, resulting in gradual, permanent fat reduction in the treated region.



The blue and white flower symbol means CoolSculpting certified practice.


2. Laser Skin Resurfacing

Here’s a procedure for those who want to have a more youthful looking face.

An interesting fact is that “face lift” is one of the top searched procedures, according to ASPS. Even more interesting is that “face lift” is the most searched for term in California.

That could be due to the excessive time spent in sunny weather on the West Coast. Sun damage is a leading cause for wrinkles.

With many individuals looking up face lift procedures, more people will know the ins and outs of what the surgery entails.

That type of attention and scrutiny surrounding surgery might not be your ideal. The thought of a rejuvenated face definitely is appealing, however, so what to do?

Try a non invasive procedure to reduce the effects of the sun, aging, and some facial skin disorders.

During laser skin resurfacing treatments, a laser is used to dissolve the molecular bonds of the damaged skin cells layer by layer until a smoother, more uniform skin appearance is achieved.

The procedure may also be referred to as laser skin rejuvenation because of its anti-aging benefits, or laser peel because the damaged layers of skin are peeled away.



Specialists Tip: Really set on a face lift but want the shortest recovery time possible? Try the QuickLift.


3. Botox

(or what some men who get the procedure like to call “Bro-tox”)

It’s hard to beat a classic, and as far as non-surgical procedures go, Botox is the cult favorite.

The procedure has been shown on numerous television shows. There have even been people featured who regularly have Botox parties where the guests all receive injections while drinking and chatting. Makes for great TV but probably should not carry over into real life.

Botox is a common word and it is a common procedure. Injections of highly diluted botulinum toxin have become one of the most sought-after aesthetic procedures performed in the country, for both men and women.

If done correctly, there is no social shame in getting the work done. Done incorrectly, however, is a whole other story.

The importance of picking a qualified doctor is immense. Look for doctors who provide accurate and detailed information about procedures and who have performed quality work in the past.



In conclusion:

Want to find out more about non-surgical procedures from an expert? Make a consultation today!

There are many options for non-surgical procedures beyond these 3, but the ones detailed here are worth consideration because of their growing popularity.

Choosing a non-surgical procedure can mean less recovery time and less speculation about work done from colleagues, friends, or family.

Wanting to improve your appearance is a personal choice — the whole world isn’t entitled to know your secret to achieve it.
Is there a non-surgical procedure you prefer? Would you like to share why? Comment below!