Top Resolution for 2015: Choosing Qualified Surgeons

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As plastic surgeons in Marin County drawing patients from all over the Bay Area, we hear about a lot of different New Year’s resolutions at this time of year. Most patients are interested in self-improvement, making commitments to exercise, eat better, or pursue a personal dream that’s been on the back burner […]

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Sculpting Custom Results for Men With Gynecomastia

If you go to a beach or pool and see an adolescent boy or young man wearing a T-shirt while his buddies are swimming bare-chested, chances are he may be self-conscious about the appearance of his breasts. The excess or swollen breast tissue often leads to teasing about “man-boobs” and […]

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Good to Great: Breast Implant Revision

Breast implants are safe, durable medical devices that typically last at least a decade before needing to be replaced or removed. Some patients, however, come to our Greenbrae practice only a few years after their initial breast augmentation procedures to get revision surgery. It’s not that they aren’t satisfied with the […]

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Good to Great: Breast Implant Revision

Breast implants are safe, durable medical devices that typically last at least a decade before needing to be replaced or removed. Some patients, however, come to our Greenbrae practice only a few years after their initial breast augmentation procedures to get revision surgery. It’s not that they aren’t satisfied with the […]

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Top Cosmetic Enhancement Trends in 2014

Find out about your options for breast enhancement in Marin County

It’s natural in our business to look back at the end of a year and reflect on the events and trends that shaped plastic surgery in our Marin County practice and throughout the nation. Those ranged from the increased use of non-surgical treatments to Kim Kardashian’s attempt to “break the […]

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Why We Make Wellness a Priority

“When you look good, you feel good” is one of those truisms we witness on a daily basis at Plastic Surgery Specialists. As a board-certified plastic surgeon who performs lots of procedures for Santa Rosa, Marin, and Sonoma patients, I hear pretty frequently that patients feel more confident and vibrant after […]

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Iron Out Those Wrinkles: Our Best Skin Care Treatments

It’s no secret that taking good care of your skin when you’re young pays off later by staving off signs of aging and delaying the onset of wrinkles and lines. But maybe you’re among the millions of people who already see some of those signs that you’d rather erase. Fortunately, […]

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Breast Enhancement Options for Mothers

The options available to women who are considering a Mommy Makeover at our Marin County practice can be overwhelming. Nearly all Mommy Makeovers, which combine several procedures into one operation, involve some sort of breast enhancement. Some women find it difficult to decide which option will suit them best, so […]

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How Continuing Educations Benefits Our Patients & Us

Our team was so excited to recently undergo training in body contouring as part of CoolSculpting® University. At this 2-day course, organized by CoolSculpting’s parent company, ZELTIQ®, our staff had the valuable opportunity to train directly under CoolSculpting educators to ensure our accuracy when we administer the treatment back at […]

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4 Reasons Patients Travel for Plastic Surgery at Our Practice

At Plastic Surgery Specialists, many of our patients visit us from out of town. Indeed, people considering plastic surgery in communities including San Rafael, Mill Valley, Santa Rosa, and Novato, CA find that the care and results they get from us are worth the short trip. Here are 4 reasons […]

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