Visia Complexion Analysis
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Marin, San Francisco, Sonoma and Napa

What is the first thing we look at in the morning? Our face. When it comes to facial rejuvenation, a healthy radiant complexion is the cornerstone of optimizing the aging process. PSS is all about staying “state of the art” in all our offerings. That’s why we have added the Visia Complexion Analysis system to our arsenal of equipment. With this complimentary treatment, a computer-based camera allows for 3D imaging with side by side analysis to develop targeted treatment programs and track results. What is the true age of your skin? Is your problem excess reds or browns or wrinkles? How much sun damage do you have compared to age related peer groups. It only takes 15 minutes to get the answers and learn what is the best skin care option for you.
This camera is capable of taking consistent, repeatable multi-view images of your face and documenting your skin’s state of health, while generating a visual report to track progress skin improvement.

We can overlay and document progress as you choose skin rejuvenation technologies and skin care to improve you skin problems. The report includes images for assessing:
Spots are typically brown or red skin lesions including freckles, acne scars, hyper-pigmentation and vascular lesions.
Wrinkles are furrows, folds or creases in the skin.
Analysis primarily an analysis of skin smoothness
Pores are the circular surface openings of sweat gland ducts.
UV Spots
UV Spots occur when melanin coagulates below the skin surface as a result of sun damage.
Brown Spots
Brown Spots are lesions on the skin such as hyper-pigmentation, freckles, lentigines, and melasma.
Red Spots
documents acne, spider veins, inflammation, rosacea
Porphyrins are bacterial excretions that can become lodged in pores and lead to acne.
The system can also give you an assessment of skin age with their TruSKIN analysis. In addition, the report gives an eyelash analysis, and has access to a the largest skin feature database to grade your skin relative to others of same age and skin type.
Please visit us at our Greenbrae office for an assessment, and help in developing some strategies to combat skin conditions and aging.
- Over 50,000 procedures performed
- Over 75 years of combined experience
Our experienced team of surgeons combine an aesthetic perspective, the ability to listen closely to your needs, and the skills to achieve those desires. This combination of talent is a hallmark of a world-class plastic surgery clinic, located in Marin County, CA.
Meet Dr. HvistendahlMeet Dr. Poulos